Step 1
Book your Complimentary Discovery Call.
After reviewing our investment guide, if you decide to move forward, use the booking link provided in the email to schedule your complimentary discovery call. This will be a zoom call in which we will meet and go over details about you project that we will need to generate your ballpark estimate.
Step 2
Approve Ballpark and Get on schedule
Within 3 business days after our project discovery meeting we will send your ballpark estimate, which provides an initial cost estimate based on your project’s scope. Once you review and approve your ballpark estimate you will be prompted to pay 2% deposit to secure a project start date on our schedule.
Step 3
Project Start Kickoff meeting
Its finally your project start date! Prior to our project kickoff meeting you will receive a welcome email with your project contract for you to sign, and a booking link to book your on site project kickoff meeting to start phase 1 of your project concept and design.
The ballpark estimate offers an initial rough cost based on historical data and project specific information you provide for us. It helps determine the initial retainer and start deposit. This estimate is preliminary and will be refined after design selections, which can affect the total cost. Throughout the project, we will update your estimate and deposits based on the refined costs. Your final fee will be based on the actual total project cost, not the initial estimate.